All ages

Learn about climate change the Pacific way

Individual or group activity

Duration: may vary

Type of activity: reading material

Language: English, French

Networks: DBCP buoys, HF radars, GLOSS

Quiz yourself on ocean observation

Individual or group activity

Duration: 10 min

Type of activity: online or downloadable game

Language: English

Networks: AniBOS, OceanGliders, DBCP buoys, GO-SHIP, Argo floats, HF radars, GLOSS, OceanSITES, SOT

Water, Weather and Climate change

Individual or group activity

Duration: 1 hour

Type of activity: reading and writing

Language: English

Networks: Argo floats

Ocean fact sheets

Individual or group activity

Duration: may vary

Type of activity: reading materials

Language: English for all resources, Spanish and Catalan for some